Sunday 12 July 2015

kerala tourism

 “The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton
            The cradle of many a colourful folk art form like Theyyam, Kannur is said to be the ancient port of Naura, from whose shores King Solomon’s ships collected timber to build the great temple of Jerusalem. Known even to the Greeks, Romans and the Arabs, Kannur’s trade links goes back a long way. Acclaimed by celebrated traveller Marco Polo as the great emporium of the spice trade, this nature-rich land has been a key contributor to the cultural, religious, political and industrial heritage of the State. Bounded by the Western Ghats in the east and the Lakshadweep Sea in the west, Kannur showcases its remarkable history in the ancient forts, old shrines and august cultural and educational institutions that dot its scenic landscape....

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